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Stanley Terman, MD

Stanley Terman, MD Adult Psychiatry

Professional Statement

Stanley A. Terman's career is dedicated to empowering people to make informed decisions so they can successfully meet challenges in their lives with more pleasure, less suffering, and improved relationships. He considers life a journey that can, at times, be challenging. When problems seem overwhelming, or when one's coping mechanisms seem maxed out, it may be prudent to consult an experienced professional who can combine empathy, insight, wisdom, and skill... to brainstorm and to problem-solve.

Dr. Terman's approach to general psychiatry is described below and presented in a 3 1/2 minute video at: youtu.be/X5xqEkFk_Yc,

Dr. Terman is also a bioethicist who developed a unique method for planning and dealing with challenges that occur during the last chapter of life. View a less than 6 minute video at: youtu.be/WyCjSKl-Zfc.

'‹ Dr. Terman's approach to Advance Care Planning is described online at: caringadvocates.org/

An excerpt of his online program can be experienced for free at: https://surveymonkey.com/r/BeginToPlan

Dr. Terman has led the non-profit organization, Caring Advocates since 2000. More information is available at: caringadvocates.org

Dr. Terman offers "Strategic Advance Care Planning' (patent pending). This protocol is for patients who want their last treating physician to write orders to fully relieve pain and suffering as their lives end, and to write orders so others will not force them to endure a prolonged dying with possible suffering-even if they have "no plug to pull." This protocol must be completed while patients still have capacity. Then, if they do lose capacity in the future, its strategies are designed to overcome common challenges to a peaceful and timely dying.

The number ONE worry among older people is to endure a slowly progressive devastating neurodegenerative disease. Examples are: Dementia (Alzheimer's), Parkinson's, CTE, and Multiple Sclerosis. Confidence in efforts to complete an effective "Ironclad Strategy' can let patients decide to LIVE LONGER. Hence, this slogan is apt: "Plan Now-Die Later®.'

Dr. Terman created the "Now Care Planning®' (patent pending) protocol to help patients in advanced dementia who did not complete an effective living will. It requires three or more loved ones who are sure that the patient would want to avoid being forced to endure a prolonged dying with possible suffering.

Dr. Terman's general approach to PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY: He uses medications only when necessary and almost always in combination with psychotherapy. He follows the teachings of Buddha, St. Francis of Assisi, Viktor Frankl, Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, Adrian Wells, Jay Haley, among others. He offers psychodynamic cognitive behavioral therapy with meta-cognitive techniques. His strategies are consistent with existential psychotherapy and he strives to be non-judgmental and to honor patients' values. He considers psychotherapy a journey in which he joins patients in their search for meaning that their current suffering has inspired. He always keeps this in mind: People called patients need to be accepted, although they want help to change.

Dr. Terman's work incorporates the healing potential of relationships, which tend to bring out the best and worst in individuals, from which there can be much to learn. Thus, he often conducts sessions with spouses and/or other family members.

Dr. Terman could be called a "Life Transitions Psychiatrist' since patients often turn to him when they are challenged by such transitions as:

  • Starting a new job or promotion for which advice may help you work better with supervisors or those who report to you;
  • Becoming single again or wanting a new intimate relationship to really last;
  • Wanting to create a transition that can overcome a life previously plagued by depression or anxiety;
  • Retiring from one's career and wanting to retain meaning in life;
  • Moving into a residence where you (or your spouse) receives assistance with many of the activities of daily living; or
  • Receiving a very serious medical diagnosis-whether medical or mental, such as Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's disease, or cancer.

Dr. Terman has written dozens of articles and four books: "Lethal Choice' (a medical thriller that presents a balanced view of Physician-Assisted Dying); "The BEST WAY to Say Goodbye: A Legal Peaceful Choice at the End of Life'; "Peaceful Transitions: Stories of Success and Compassion'; and "Peaceful Transitions: Plan Now, Die Later-Ironclad Strategy.' He also created "My Way Cards'-a patient decision aid that generates a clear and specific Living Will that informs family members and surrogate decision-makers about the patient's wishes so they can make the difficult "WHEN' decision that time has come, for patients in Advanced Dementia.

Dr. Terman is often asked to diagnose Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Dementia versus normal age-related memory loss. He can assess and document an individual's competence (capacity) in specific areas. These include making medical treatment decisions and handling financial matters.

To visit Dr. Terman:

Dr. Terman WELCOMES Medicare Beneficiaries, but he does NOT ACCEPT Medicare because he voluntarily is not enrolled as a provider. But beneficiaries can be reimbursed for Medicare's "allowable amount" if they do NOT sign up for an Advantage program.

For further information, call 415 237 0377 ext. 1, and ask our staff to send you our "Medicare Contract" that explains patients' co-payment responsibility. For patients who do not live near San Francisco / Sausalito, or for whom travel is challenging, tele-psychiatry is available. Many health insurance-but NOT yet Medicare-will reimburse patients who receive treatment this way.


School: University of Iowa, Degree: MD
School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Degree: PhD


School: Indiana University, Type: Residency
School:  American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Type: Board Certification

Insurances Accepted

Blue Shield
Carelon Behavioral Health, Inc
Provider Network of America
United Behavioral Health

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